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Search for Missing Chevak Snowmachiner Ends in Success Wednesday Evening

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Alaska State Troopers report that on Wednesday evening, after air and ground searches, the 25-year-old missing Chevak man missing since New Years was found very wet and tired but alive.

The male, whose named has not been revealed, left Chevak on New Years afternoon bound for Scammon Bay on a blue and white snowmachine. He was reported overdue at 9 pm that night and ground search teams from Chevak and Scammon Bay began searching the 21-mile route.

While weather hampered aerial searches on Tuesday ground searches continued. But, those searches bore no fruit.

On Wednesday an Air National Guard C-130 conducted searches over the area but found no sign of the man or snowmachine. Ground teams continued searching and at around 6 pm Chevak searchers found the missing man. According to the man his snow machine ran out of fuel nine miles northeast of the village.The man was treated at the clinic and released.

“The entire area including Chevak, Scammon Bay and Hooper [Bay] are just celebrating for a successful recovery,” said Earl Atchak, one of the leaders of CSAR.