Bob Roses, candidate for District G, which includes Muldoon, part of Elmendorf, college Gate and Russian Jack, announced on Wednesday that he will suspend his campaign temporarily after his wife Beverly passed away.
Beverly Roses, Bob’s wife of 44 years, had recently been admitted to a nursing home. She died from reported complications from Alzheimer’s disease. She passed away on Tuesday.
Roses is the Republican candidate for the Anchorage seat, he is running against Democrat incumbant Bill Wielechowski. He is the former Representative of District 19 in Anchorage. Roses was defeated for that seat in 2008 by Democrat Pete Petersen.
Roses has been in Alaska for 47 years, he moved to Alaska with his father in 1965. He married his wife three years later, in 1968.
A private service will be held by the family for Beverly Roses. It will be followed by a public celebration on October 13th.