“Americans have so much to be thankful for: our liberty, our freedoms, our uniquely-American optimism.
It’s been that way for over 400 years – settlers in what is now Virginia celebrated the first Thanksgiving feast back in 1610. Even before we were a nation, before we even formed colonies, the men and women who pioneered this country were thankful for the promise and potential that America offered. It was winter when the Pilgrims arrived in the New World, many weakened from the long voyage. The Wampanoag, an eastern Native people, helped the Pilgrims endure by sharing their local knowledge of how to cultivate food from the land. During this Thanksgiving holiday it is important to remember that this is a season that was born of sharing and we should be mindful and helpful towards those less fortunate.
“Here in Alaska, where the pioneering spirit remains alive and well, we too give thanks for the natural bounty Alaska provides, the friendliness of our people, the breathtaking natural beauty and simplicity of our Alaskan way of life. We never take it for granted, we are thankful for these many blessings, and we look out for one another.
“It’s in that spirit that I encourage all Alaskans to take a moment – between the shopping, the football, the dinner, the making of memories with family or friends – take a minute to observe how truly fortunate we are.
“So to all Alaskans enjoying this very American holiday: Happy Thanksgiving.”