Several Glenn Highway Call-Ins Result in DUI with Child Onboard

[dropcap]A[/dropcap]n Anchorage woman was arrested after an accident with a child on board on the Glenn Highway between Wasilla and Anchorage and charged with DUI, Reckless Endangerment, False Information, and an outstanding warrant on Tuesday afternoon, Anchorage police reported.

Calls began going into APD at 4:41 pm on Tuesday afternoon reporting a silver Ford Focus inbound to Anchorage from the valley. The callers reported that the driver of the vehicle was traveling without headlights and was not maintaining their lane and at times traveling into the oncoming lane with traffic present.

Within minutes, APD was advised by troopers that the suspect vehicle was in their jurisdiction and heading toward Anchorage. They also notified APD that they had also been receiving notifications of that vehicle alternating between 40 and 80 mph and that the driver had impacted a cement sign before crossing the Knik River Bridge into APD jurisdiction.

At 4:50 pm, troopers again notified APD to report that they had caught up to the vehicle and that it was now in the ditch near North Peter’s Creek. A minute later an APD patrol vehicle arrived at the scene to find that troopers already had the suspect driver in custody.

It was discovered that there was a child in a child seat in the rear of the vehicle. While the child was in the seat, officers would find that the seat was not properly secured.

During the arrest, the driver, later identified as 21-year-old Deja M. Harris-Walker, gave officers a false name, but would eventually reveal her true identity. Her name was run and it would be found that she had an outstanding warrant for her arrest for missing a pre-indictment hearing on a vehicle theft charge.

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Harris-Walker was given a field sobriety test which she failed and so was charged with DUI.

APD officers took over custody of Harris-Walker and she was transported to the Anchorage Jail where she was found to be more than two times over the legal limit.

APD contacted Harris-Walker’s family but none were available to pick up or take custody of the child, and so the Office of Child Services was contacted. APD transported the child to the OCS office where OCS took over custody.

Harris-Walker was arraigned on the charges on Wednesday afternoon and was still in custody as of Wednesday evening.