A Eunice, Louisiana man shoplifted several items from a Walmart store earlier this month and then made his getaway in a motorized wheelchair belonging to the store, according to police reports made after his arrest.
The shoplifting and theft of the motorized wheelchair went unnoticed by store personnel, and the man who was later identified as Daniel Gaspard, motored away from the store at a couple of miles per hour. He had grabbed a half-gallon of vodka, a tv antenna, Mardi Gras cups and a sunvisor, placed them into the cart’s front basket and made his way past check-out counters and out the front door.
It wasn’t until a Walmart employee noticed him on the motorized wheelchair while on her way to work, that the gig was up for Gaspard. The employee spotted the man making his getaway, driving away from the scene of the crime through the parking lot of the Dollar Store near the Walmart.
The Eunice Police Department was called and an officer responded to the area. By the time the officer arrived, Gaspard was tootling across the U.S. West 190 Highway to the 24/7 Truck Stop and Casino parking lot. The officer activated his lights and pulled in front of the escaping shoplifter. Gaspard motioned for the officer to get out of his way as he continued on his drive-away.
Once stopped, the officer questioned Gaspard about the merchandise in the cart’s basket and the cart itself. Gaspard told the officer that he had bought the items, but had thrown the receipt away, and had been given permission to take the motorized wheelchair because of a broken foot.
A quick check of the surveillance video at the store showed Gaspard putting the items in the cart and driving past the check-out and out the door.
Gaspard was arrested and charged with felony theft for the cart, which was valued at between $2,500 and $3,000. The other items were valued at just under $75 by the store.
It was later found that Gaspard had been previously been banned from Walmart stores for previous shoplifting incidents.
His bail was set at $4,000.