Skeek Arraigned on Murder, Tampering Charges in Anchorage Court

The husband of Linda Skeek (pictured here) has been charged with Murder I and II and Evidence Tampering. Image-Anchorage Police Department
The husband of Linda Skeek (pictured here) has been charged with Murder I and II and Evidence Tampering. Image-Anchorage Police Department

The husband of Linda Skeek, Thomas Skeek was arraigned on charges of Murder I, Murder II, and Tampering with Physical Evidence in an Anchorage courtroom on Thursday.

Shortly after interviewing witnesses and investigating other records such as bank accounts, phones and media online, search warrants were requested and granted to search the Skeek home and vehicle. Once searched, police say that they uncovered blood evidence in various parts of the house including the entrance to a crawl space. Police also stated that they had found blood evidence in the Skeek’s vehicle.

Skeek entered that crawl space after his wife’s disappearance, the missing, presumably murdered, woman’s father told police, according to court documents.

In direct contradiction to Skeek’s statement to police, where he told them that he drove his wife around to various Anchorage bars and waited for her in the vehicle until the early morning hours of New Years, a neighbor told police that they had seen Linda leave the house just before midnight as Thomas stood in the couple’s doorway. Skeek told police that it was New Years Day when his wife left the home on foot.

Another person came forward during the police investigation and informed police that he had been having an affair with the victim. He told police that he had not heard from Lindaqa since the night before New Years, court documents revealed.

Skeek was arrested following the search of the Skeek home and vehicle and blood evidence was found, police say.

At court, Skeek was appointed a public defender and his bail was set at $500,000 and a Court Approved Third Party Custodian.[xyz-ihs snippet=”Adsense-responsive”]

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