Following an investigation in Akiak, a man from that community was arrested on Assault III charges following a report on Monday, troopers reported on Wednesday. According to the report, AST received a call that 32-year-old Kevin Gilila “had assaulted his wife at their residence in Akiak after drinking together.” The resulting investigation found that Gilila had […]
Alaska State Troopers reported on Wednesday that they had arrested a Kotzebue-born man on Sexual Abuse of a Minor charges for incidences that occurred in the community of Wales. It was on August 22nd, that troopers received reports of sexual abuse of a minor from Wales. Troopers responded and conducted an investigation that revealed that 43-year-old […]
ANCHORAGE – The Alaska Department of Health and Social Services received three federal multi-year grants this month that together provide nearly $3 million annually toward the prevention and treatment of opioid addiction, misuse and overdose in Alaska. “Opioid addiction and overdose deaths are hurting Alaska families and communities,” said Gov. Bill Walker. “Getting this funding […]
Alaska’s prevalence of alcohol dependence and abuse is 14 percent, twice the national average. Now, a new online resource aims to help Alaskans learn more about alcohol abuse, treatment options and the journey to recovery., a partnership with United Way of Anchorage and Alaska 2-1-1, provides Alaskans with help and hope as they navigate […]