Anchor — Kicaq Kicaq agtunartuq. – The anchor is heavy. Before the availability of metal tools, Alutiiq people fashioned anchors from large cobbles. Craftsmen selected a relatively flat, rectangular rock and shaped it by chipping. A stone anchor found in Karluk is 10 inches long and weighs about six pounds. The edges of the stone were […]
Paint, Color — KRaasirluni KRaasiyaqa maaskaaqa. – I am painting my mask. Painted designs are the final artistic touch on many Alutiiq objects. Artisans continue to decorate everything from masks, hunting hats, and paddles to household implements withcolorful geometric designs, animal shapes, and human figurines. In classical Alutiiq society, paint was also applied to the […]
Gain Awareness — llangarlluni Carliaqa llangllarngauq. – My child is aware. Why do toddlers like to say, “No!”? The answer lies in a baby’s growing brain. In the transitions from infant to toddler, children develop their sense of self-awareness, both physical and emotional. By about 18 months, children recognize themselves as unique individuals. At this […]
Spirit — Sua (literally, “Its person”), Anerneq (literally, “breath”) Caqiq tamarmi suangq’rtuq. – Something all around has a spirit. The Alutiiq concept of a spirit is complex. Alutiiq people traditionally believe that everything in the universe—living things, objects, places, and natural phenomena like the northern lights—has a spirit or essence. This essence is characterized by […]