Sitkalidak Island — Salliitaq, Saliitaq Agyunitua Saliitamen ernerpak. – I do not want to go to Sitkalidak Island today. Sitkalidak is the third largest island in the Kodiak region. Twenty-three miles long, this rugged, mountainous landform lies off the eastern coast of Kodiak Island. Sitkalidak covers 116 square miles with peaks up to 2200 feet tall and […]
Raspberry, Nagonberry — Puyurniq April-rem puyurnit pingaktaarai. – April always likes raspberries. The American red raspberry (Rubus idaeus) is a recent introduction to Kodiak, brought to the island in the past century. This fast-growing, fruit-producing plant thrives in thickets, clearings, and along the edge of wooded areas. It is now a local favorite. Bushes can […]
Nettle — Uqaayanaq Uqaayanat angtaartut. – Nettles are big. The stinging nettle (Urtica lyalli) grows widely across the northern hemisphere. It thrives in open meadows, flourishes in damp soil, and is found commonly in dense clusters in areas disturbed by human activity. In the Gulf of Alaska, nettles often grow on the surface of archaeological […]
Snipe — Kulic’kiiq Kulic’kiit miktut, kesiin piturnirtut. – Snipes are small but they taste good. The common snipe (Gallinago gallinago) is a shorebird found around Kodiak’s grassy coastal meadows, ponds, and fields during summer. This member of the sandpiper family breeds yearly across northern North America, then heads south to winter in warmer climates. A […]