Like their counterparts across the nation, Alaskan activists participated in a national day of action Tuesday in support of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe that is resisting construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline in North Dakota. Displaying banners that read “Wells Fargo; Funding Genocide Since 1852” and “#NoDAPL” a group of more than 50 entered into […]
The weapon used to ambush Anchorage Police officer Arn Salao at the corner of Cordova and Fifth Avenue early Saturday morning, has claimed at least five lives in the last year in the Anchorage area, Anchorage police say. Officer Salao was responding to a theft call at 4:36 am on Saturday, and when he approached […]
ANCHORAGE– Today, the Anchorage Police Department announced the start of a downtown foot patrol. Officers will start assignment downtown at the end of November. “Because of the community investment in APD and our progress rebuilding the department, we now have the ability to staff a dedicated downtown foot patrol,” said Chief Chris Tolley. “As we […]
The Anchorage police officer that was ambushed in his patrol car as he attempted to make contact and identify a theft suspect on Saturday morning, is recovering in an Anchorage hospital after multiple surgeries for his gunshot wounds, Anchorage Police say. According to APD, the patrol officer responded to a call reporting a theft and […]