This November 3rd, we urge rural Alaskans to vote YES on Ballot Measure 2. Our current election system of closed primaries and uncompetitive general elections does a disservice to rural Alaskans. Ballot Measure 2 offers a better path forward. First, we’ve seen increased polarization and gridlock in Juneau in recent years, driven in part […]
Dear Friends and Alaska Neighbors: We don’t have to accept Governor Dunleavy’s decision to oppose needed revenue to run our state. He has been clear that he wants to keep cutting schools and the things that matter to our future. We can take that decision away from him on the November ballot. Here’s […]
This election season, we are strongly urging our fellow Alaskans to VOTE NO ON BALLOT MEASURE 2. This initiative would get rid of our simple one person, one vote system and replace it with a 25-page mess written and funded by billionaires in the Lower-48. Ballot Measure 2 did not come from folks in […]
ANCHORAGE, Alaska — An Alaska court has ruled that the witness requirement for absentee ballots is unconstitutional during the COVID-19 pandemic. Parties in this case are working now to determine how the Election Division can alert voters about any subsequent changes. The lawsuit was filed by the Native American Rights Fund (NARF), American Civil […]