JUNEAU – House Fisheries Committee Chair Rep. Louise Stutes (R-Kodiak) held public testimony Sunday for the latest version of House Bill 199, “The Wild Salmon Legacy Act.” The bill, sponsored by Rep. Stutes, aims to update an ineffective and outdated state law governing development in salmon habitat. More than 70 Alaskans provided public testimony at […]
Juneau – Monday, the Alaska House of Representatives met their Constitutional duty to pass an operating budget for the State of Alaska. House Bill 286 largely maintains the current level of essential services, fully-funds Alaska’s Base Student Allocation (BSA), includes additional resources to keep Alaskans safe in their homes and businesses, and authorizes the payment […]
Juneau – Wednesday, the Alaska House of Representatives passed legislation to help struggling workers and their families weather job losses resulting from the Alaska recession, which has been ongoing since 2015. House Bill 142, sponsored by Rep. Chris Tuck (D-Anchorage), increases the maximum weekly unemployment insurance benefit from $370 to $510 over two years to […]
Juneau – Monday, the Alaska House of Representatives passed legislation making time-sensitive appropriations to cover unanticipated expenses. House Bill 321, the “fast track” supplemental appropriations bill, totals $110.2 million, of which $92.0 million is from unrestricted general funds (UGF). “This fast-track supplemental is the product of the House and Senate working together to come to […]