In August 2017 the Anchorage Police Department took 87 fraud reports regarding counterfeit money that had been passed during transactions. The sophistication of the bills being passed in Anchorage is low; the fake money is easy to spot if a few moments are taken to examine it. Legitimate money is 75% cotton and 25% linen […]
ANCHORAGE—Governor Bill Walker today signed into law House Bills 57 and 59, approving the $4.9 billion operating budget bills the legislature passed for fiscal year 2018 (July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018), without vetoes. State spending for department operations has been cut $145 million from the previous year, and total state spending on the […]
JUNEAU – In an effort to resolve the current legislative stalemate that threatens to shut down government services, Governor Bill Walker Monday introduced to members of all four caucuses a compromise fiscal package. The proposed package stabilizes the economy using bills that have already been introduced and considered: Oil and gas tax credit reform (House […]
JUNEAU – In advancing his plan to build a safer Alaska, Governor Bill Walker introduced three bills today to increase protection for vulnerable residents and allow for greater trooper presence throughout the state. This action is part of the governor’s larger plan to increase public safety, and reduce the high rates of violence and substance […]