FAIRBANKS, Alaska – Forecasted gusty and erratic winds caused an increase in fire behavior on the McDonald Fire Monday afternoon with more expected to occur Tuesday. A large column of smoke referred to as a pyro cumulus clouds developed over the fire and could be seen be seen from much of Fairbanks and surrounding areas […]
FAIRBANKS, Alaska — Monday, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Eastern Interior Field Office announced approval of a new comprehensive management plan for the Birch Creek Wild and Scenic River near Central. The approved plan, which updates a 1983 River Management Plan, outlines the BLM’s approach for managing 111 miles of the Ikhèenjik River, which […]
Smoke may be visible northeast of Eielson Air Force Base and off Richardson Highway FAIRBANKS, ALASKA – Starting as early as Thursday, May 2, the Bureau of Land Management Alaska Fire Service (BLM AFS), in coordination with the U.S. Army Garrison Alaska, will implement prescribed fires in several live-fire ranges of the Yukon Training Area near […]
FAIRBANKS, Alaska — Friday the Bureau of Land Management released its proposed plan to guide management of 13.3 million acres of public lands in central and northern Alaska, including portions of the central Yukon River watershed and the Dalton Highway corridor. The Central Yukon Resource Management Plan and Final Environmental Impact Statement reflects public input […]