The mushers were gone, and so were the 640 dogs that pulled them out of town. A few days earlier, the volunteers who gave life to Iditarod had climbed into their single-engine planes and lifted off the ice, carrying their noise along with them. Iditarod City was now quiet, except for the whoosh of […]
More than half a century after they were taken from Chirikof Island, human remains representing at least 109 Alutiiq people will return to the Kodiak region. On Thursday, February 23, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service will transfer the remains to the Alutiiq Museum, Kodiak’s tribal repository, as a step in their repatriation to the […]
JUNEAU, Alaska — Coast Guard Cutter Alex Haley crewmembers installed grave markers in Atka, Alaska, Tuesday. The 20 hand-made crosses replaced those that were mounted in 2006 by the crew of the now-decommissioned Coast Guard Cutter Storis. The Alex Haley crew coordinated the task with Atka’s community leaders, then delivered the crosses via an embarked […]