This Day in Alaska History-December 19th, 1903

Woods Hole, Mass. – The overlapping effects of sea level rise, permafrost thaw subsidence, and erosion may lead to land loss in Arctic coastal regions that dwarfs the land loss from any single one of these climate hazards, scientists say. While 75 years of aerial and satellite observations have established coastal erosion as an increasing […]
Specialized portable radar could serve as an early warning system to reduce risk for humans working on shorefast sea ice, according to a recently published study. The researchers suggest that use of portable interferometric radar can quickly reveal small changes that could indicate imminent movement or detachment of the ice, which is important as climate […]
The crew of the Coast Guard Cutter Douglas Munro conducts a boarding of a Chinese fishing vessel The crew of the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Douglas Munro recently completed a nearly two-month patrol, traveling 12,500 miles throughout the North Pacific Ocean, supporting Operation North Pacific Guard, an annual high seas U.S. fisheries international law […]