Venetie, AK– On April 25 tribal leaders from Fort Yukon, Venetie, and Arctic Village gathered to confirm their opposition to oil and gas development on the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. During this day-long meeting tribal members and leaders stood up and spoke out on how extremely important it is for the Gwich’in […]
In early March up on the frozen Arctic Coastal Plain, as the wind sculpts snow into drifts, it’s hard to tell northern lakes from surrounding tundra. But lurking deep beneath that flat white world are toothy predators as long as your arm. In pools 60 feet down, lake trout are somehow passing the long winter. […]
Cold water the color of iced tea wets the boots of Chris Arp as he yanks a power auger from the hole he just drilled in this quiet lake, a few miles from his office at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. A whiff of sulfur, a sign there’s not much oxygen in this pond born […]