F-22s Intercept Russian Bombers and Fighters in Aleutians and Bering Sea

F-22s Intercept Russian Bombers and Fighters in Aleutians and Bering Sea

The North American Defense Command (NORAD) revealed on Monday that Alaska-based F-22s and an E-3 Airborne Early Warning and Control System from NORAD identified then intercepted four Tupolev TU-95 bombers and two SU-35 fighters as they entered into the Alaskan Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) on Monday. Initially, two of the Russian bombers entering the […]

Trump Signs US Space Command Authorization

Trump Signs US Space Command Authorization

  [dropcap]I[/dropcap]n a one-page memorandum, President Trump signed an authorization for the Department of Defense to launch the new Space Command on Tuesday. the new “Space Command will transfer approximately 600 staff from existing military space operations and add an additional 1,000 personnel that will take place over the coming years. The new command comes […]