A few weeks ago, with Hillary Clinton polling high in the presidential race, Democrats were confident they would take control of the Senate. It even appeared there was an outside chance Democrats could win the House of Representatives. But as election results came in late Tuesday and early Wednesday, it became clear that not only […]
WASHINGTON — In congressional races across America, Republicans are beginning to echo Democrats on a core assumption: Hillary Clinton will be president. With Donald Trump lagging in the polls, Republicans running for Congress are urging voters to elect them as a check on a Clinton presidency. Democrats, meanwhile, argue Hillary Clinton will need allies on Capitol […]
On Wednesday, Secretary of Defense, Ash Carter ordered the Pentagon to cease attempting to collect bonuses that were issued to California National Guard soldiers who erroneously received them for re-enlistment in the Afghanistan and Iraq theaters. In a statement on Wednesday, Secretary Carter wrote “I have ordered the Defense Finance and Accounting Service to suspend all […]
My name is Stephen Wright, and I was born in Anchorage, AK on Elmendorf AFB in 1969. I was only five years old when Don Young became Alaska’s 4th Congressman after campaigning twice. I would love to be the 5th Alaska Congressman to represent this great state. As the 5th congressman to represent Alaska in state history, […]