Juneau – Legislation to name the second Monday in October as “Indigenous Peoples Day” passed the Alaska Legislature Sunday with bipartisan support in both the Alaska House of Representatives and the Alaska State Senate. House Bill 78 was sponsored by Representative Dean Westlake (D-Kiana). “The outpouring of support for this bill has been heartening for […]
41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresák, officially named after its three discoverers, or known this year as the April Fool’s Day Comet, passed by our planet at a distance of approximately 13 million miles. 41P was first discovered by Horace Tuttle in 1858, it was determined then that 41P was a periodic comet, (a comet that orbits the sun) but, […]
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, killing over 610,000 people and accounting for 1 in 4 deaths. Research has shown that people who bike regularly for work or play may have a lower risk of heart disease. Active commuting is not only good for your health, but it is […]
Juneau – House Bill 78, which would establish the second Monday in October as “Indigenous Peoples Day,” was approved Friday by the Alaska House of Representatives. The legislation was sponsored by freshman lawmaker Rep. Dean Westlake (D-Kotzebue). “The bipartisan support for creating Indigenous Peoples Day in Alaska shows the commitment of the House of Representatives […]