“Punxsutawney Phil,” the famous Groundhog Day rodent, exited his cozy tree stump that he calls home and promptly saw his shadow, signifying six more weeks of winter for North America. Emerging from his temporary home on Gobbler’s Knob, and surrounded by the Top Hatted and Tuxedo-clad “inner circle’ that is his handlers, he was […]
Juneau – Earlier Wednesday, Rep. Dean Westlake (D-Kotzebue) introduced a bill to establish the second Monday in October as an annual holiday in Alaska called “Indigenous Peoples Day.” “I’d like to bring Alaska to the forefront in showing support for Native peoples and cultures. We have lagged behind our neighbors in Canada in celebrating […]
Erneq – DayErneret taklliyut. – The days are getting long. Spring in the Kodiak Archipelago brings lengthening days and warmer temperatures. As the sun reaches farther above the horizon, warming ocean waters stimulate plankton blooms that attract fish, birds, and sea mammals back to coastal environments. This yearly increase in daylight was once greatly anticipated […]
JUNEAU – Governor Bill Walker signed HB 128 into law Sunday, establishing August 10 of each year as Alaska Wild Salmon Day. Governor Walker signed the bill at the 2016 Juneau Maritime Festival, an annual event that celebrates Juneau’s rich fishing industry with live music, food, and fun fish-themed activities for all ages. “Nearly all […]