The remains of a new species of horse-sized dinosaur reveal how Tyrannosaurus rex became one of Earth’s top predators, a study suggests. The discovery unearthed in Uzbekistan provides key insights into how a family of small-bodied dinosaurs evolved over millions of years to become fearsome giants. The study shows that the dinosaurs — known as […]
During Patrick Druckenmiller’s not-so-restful sabbatical year, he is flying to museums around the world. In Alberta a few weeks ago and London now, the University of Alaska Museum’s curator of earth science is looking at bones of dinosaurs similar to ones found in northern Alaska. The more he squints at them and chats with experts, […]
For more than 30 million years after dinosaurs first appeared, they remained inexplicably rare near the equator, where only a few small-bodied meat-eating dinosaurs made a living. The long absence at low latitudes has been one of the great, unanswered questions about the rise of the dinosaurs. Now the mystery has a solution, according to […]
Paleontologists have discovered an almost complete skull of a previously unknown mammal that likely resembled a large modern-day groundhog and lived alongside dinosaurs. The species, found on Madagascar, is shaking up theories of early mammal evolution and diversity. Stony Brook University paleontologist David Krause led the research team, which reports its findings in today’s issue […]