As more women testified, even more came forward. More than 150 sexual assault survivors described feeling confusion and shame after having been sexually assaulted by a Michigan State University and Olympic sports doctor, who was under suspicion for more than 20 years. The survivors, calling themselves a “sisterhood” and “army of survivors,” lined up in […]
Women with risk factors for heart disease, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and a family history, should start a dialogue with their primary care physician in their 40s so they can begin a prevention regimen that will keep them healthy. “Women have such a low prevalence of the disease until menopause that I […]
It was announced by the U.S. Justice Department on Tuesday that former Wrangell Doctor, 54-year-old Greg Alan Salard was sentenced in U.S. District Court to 20 years in federal prison for child pornography distribution charges. Salard was convicted in July of 2015 following a six-day trial for trading child pornography on a peer-to-peer network in […]
JUNEAU – Governor Bill Walker and Board of Education and Early Development Chair James Fields announced a change in leadership for the Department of Education today. Dr. Susan McCauley will take over as interim Commissioner for the Department of Education and Early Development beginning March 1st while the Board conducts its search for a new […]