Alaska Wildlife Troopers reported that they believe that a Brown Bear shooting that occurred in Sitka on Tuesday was a legitimate defense of life and property, according to a post on the trooper dispatch this morning. According to AST, the Sitka Police alerted wildlife troopers that “a homeowner in the 2400 block of Sawmill Creek […]
Coast Guard Station-Juneau diverted a small boat crew after receiving report from Lt. Joseph Schlosser, an off-duty Coast Guardsman, that a man was out in Gastineau Channel paddling in a homemade inflatable watercraft. The 25-foot RB-S crew, upon their arrival, deemed the small homemade craft unsafe even though the seas were calm with a light breeze, […]
On January 6, 2017, a stray dog brought in to Anchorage from the Yukon-Kuskokwim (YK) Delta tested positive for rabies. The animal had been in foster homes in both Bethel and Anchorage, and had limited contact with humans or other dogs before its death. After receiving the test results, the Alaska Section of Epidemiology (SOE) […]
A Montana woman was seriously injured in a pedestrian-Semi incident on Monday on the Denali Highway according to trooper reports. Troopers responded to the scene at 5:15 pm on Monday to find that 24-year-old Montana resident Amalia Laughlin had been parked alongside the highway at mile 124 with her dog out of the car. When […]