After a nine-day trial, the Justice Department revealed Wednesday, that the co-owner of the Kodiak “Strip Boat,” ” Wild Alaskan,” Darren Byler, was found guilty of violating the Refuse Act as well as making false statements. The case is in connection with his pumping raw sewage from the bathroom aboard his floating strip club that […]
Dillingham, AK- Wednesday, Senators Joe Manchin (WV) and David Vitter (LA) reintroduced legislation (SB 54) that would eliminate from the Clean Water Act a provision that authorizes EPA to limit or restrict discharge of dredged or fill material from mining deposits into waters of the United States. The provision, commonly known as 404(c), gives the […]
(Wasilla) — A Wasilla subcontractor has discovered that laws protecting Alaska wildlife refuges from illegal dumping are taken seriously and that the state will pursue and prosecute those who dump trash in or vandalize infrastructure on public lands. Ian Beall, 20, pleaded guilty in Anchorage district court on December 22, 2014, to dumping a large […]