Glennallen, Alaska – The Ahtna people are mourning the loss of beloved Elder, leader and first president of Ahtna, Incorporated – Mr. Robert Marshall. Mr. Marshall passed away Sunday, March 31, 2019, at Tazlina, Alaska. A well-known and respected Ahtna leader, Mr. Marshall served his people in various capacities throughout his life and was […]
[dropcap]J[/dropcap]UNEAU – Alaska Native Studies has garnered more support at UAS through a new fund established in honor of Tlingit elder Dr. Kaayistaan Marie Olson. Sealaska is offering a matching challenge to meet the goal of endowing the scholarship fund, which will provide scholarship for students pursuing a degree in Alaska Native Studies. Marie […]
Glennallen, Alaska – Ahtna Elder Roy S. Ewan passed away Tuesday, February 20, 2018, at the Alaska Native Medical Center in Anchorage, Alaska. Mr. Ewan was born on the banks of the Copper River on February 25, 1935 and spent his life advocating for the rights of Ahtna people and protection of all Alaskan Native […]