A young man from the community of Shaktoolik, who was last seen riding an ATV on Monday night, was found deceased south of the community on Tuesday, the trooper dispatch divulged. According to the trooper report, 18-year-old Levi Sagoonik, who was seen riding in the community the night before, was found near his wrecked four-wheeler […]
ANCHORAGE, Alaska— Contractor Mark Welty, d/b/a North Country Services, has withdrawn his contest of $280,000 in fines assessed by the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development. The department cited him for hazards leading to the workplace death of his employee, Nicholson Tinker. Mr. Welty unlawfully claimed that Mr. Tinker as an “independent contractor” rather […]
At 11:26 am late Sunday morning, MatCom in Wasilla received a 911 call reporting a rollover accident near mile 31.5, troopers revealed on Sunday evening. Troopers responded to the scene to discover the driver and passenger in the vehicle, suffering from injuries. The driver, 35-year-old Faith Igkurak, the investigation determined, had been thrown from her […]
Police have yet to release the identity of the pedestrian that was fatally struck by a vehicle at the intersection of A and Benson Avenue on Thursday evening and also state that no charges have been filed as yet. APD was called out to a pedestrian/vehicle collision on Benson at 7:11 pm on Thursday. They […]