Following an investigation in Akiak, a man from that community was arrested on Assault III charges following a report on Monday, troopers reported on Wednesday. According to the report, AST received a call that 32-year-old Kevin Gilila “had assaulted his wife at their residence in Akiak after drinking together.” The resulting investigation found that Gilila had […]
Troopers say that a 27-year-old Togiak man escaped from custody in Togiak shortly after his arrest on Saturday. 27-year-old Justin Forbes escaped from the cell that he was being held in at Togiak on Saturday afternoon. He was being held on felony charges, the details of which have yet to be released. As a result of […]
An Anchorage resident turned himself in to Anchorage police 12 hours after a fatal hit-and-run accident that occurred on Elmore Road just south of Lore Street on Saturday, APD reported. APD was called and the accident reported, officers responded to the hit -and-run incident at 5:30 am on Saturday to find a female pedestrian, Ida Belle […]
Alaska State Troopers revealed on Tuesday, that they had opened an investigation into the theft of Bush wheels from a 1950 Piper PA 20, after the theft was reported at 10:04 AM. The investigation found that “significant damage” had been done to the aircraft, that was located near Bogard Road, as suspects worked to remove […]