WASHINGTON, D.C. – Wednesday U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) participated in a Health Committee hearing to address stabilizing premiums and helping individuals in the insurance market. Senator Murkowski was joined by Alaska State Insurance Division Director, Lori Wing-Heier, who testified before the committee about Alaska’s efforts to address rising premiums, the results of those efforts, […]
When the Fukushima power plant released large quantities of radioactive materials into nearby coastal waters following Japan’s massive 2011 earthquake and tsunami, it raised concerns as to whether eating contaminated seafood might impair human health–not just locally but across the Pacific. A new study by an international research team shows that those concerns can now […]
Troopers located a driver after a REDDI report was generated on him on Monday, to discover the man had a history of mental health problems, AST reported. Troopers received a report from a caller that a vehicle was traveling at a high rate of speed and was driving erratically at mile 106 of the Parks […]
SITKA, August 24, 2017 – SouthEast Alaska Regional Health Consortium (SEARHC) was recently awarded a $927,871 grant for breast and cervical cancer screening and diagnostic services from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as part of the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP). The annual grant supports breast cancer screenings […]