Juneau – The Alaska House of Representatives on Monday unanimously passed legislation to increase patient rights in Alaska. House Bill 43, also known as the “Right to Try” bill, is sponsored by Representative Jason Grenn (I-Anchorage). It allows terminally ill patients who have exhausted all FDA-approved treatment options and do not qualify for clinical trials […]
The Alaska Section of Epidemiology is working in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Arctic Investigations Program and the Municipality of Anchorage on characterizing and responding to an increased number of invasive Group A Streptococcus infections, it was announced by the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services on Tuesday. Group A […]
In response to Alaska’s heroin epidemic and communities’ call for action heard across the state, the Advisory Board on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse, Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority, and Alaska Department of Health and Social Services are convening the Alaska Opioid Policy Task Force. This task force of Alaskan experts will work collaboratively with stakeholders […]