The trooper dispatch revealed the identities of the officers involved in the shooting incident that took place early Sunday morning. In that incident, suspect, Almando Abarca, was wounded in the shoulder after a car chase and exchange of gunfire. The officers were identified as Trooper Christopher Havens and Palmer Police Department officer Antonio Aldesperger. On Sunday morning, […]
NEW YORK — A loud explosion that shook the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan Saturday night was “an intentional act” that injured 29 people, according to New York authorities. New York Mayor Bill DeBlasio declared the explosion was deliberate, speaking to reporters on the street near the scene of the blast. DeBlasio emphasized, however, there was no […]
A Personal Locator Beacon was activated and picked up by the Alaska Rescue Coordination Cewnter on Thursday at 4:06 pm. The beacon was activated at the Medfra runway approximately 31 miles northwest of Nikolai. Shortly after, troopers received another call reporting that a tree had fallen on 55-year-old Roger Seavoy, and Seavoy suffered head and neck injuries […]
Once again, another person was rescued from the location of the “Magic Bus” on the Stampede Trail 20 miles from the Parks Highway, troopers reported on Thursday. It was reported on the trooper dispatch that a call came in at 6 am reporting the activation of a personal locator beacon registered to 22-year-old Matthew Sharp of […]