Trump Admin Rescinding Obama’s 2016 Oil and Gas Methane Restriction Rule

Trump Admin Rescinding Obama’s 2016 Oil and Gas Methane Restriction Rule

Even as the Trump administration is working to open more and more federal lands up for oil and natural gas exploration, the Interior  Department is aiming at rolling back Obama administration rules restricting harmful methane emissions from oil and gas exploration on those lands. The rollback to the rules is being published in the Federal […]

Bering Sea Elder Group Comes out in Opposition to OCS Leasing Plan

Bering Sea Elder Group Comes out in Opposition to OCS Leasing Plan

The Bering Sea Elders Group came out in opposition of Trump’s decision to open wide swaths of Alaska’s Outer Continental Shelf to leasing on Friday. The group pointed out that the Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) had promised the group that it would meaningfully consult them on any proposed drilling in the […]

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