Klawock Couple Charged with Failure to Pay over $400,000 in Income Taxes

Klawock Couple Charged with Failure to Pay over $400,000 in Income Taxes

An Alaskan couple in Klawock have been charged in federal court in Juneau with four counts of failure to pay their income taxes, Acting U.S. Attorney Bryan Schroder announced in a press release on Wednesday. According to the Justice Department, Archie W. Demmert III and Roseann L. Demmert, of Klawock, have through the years, failed to […]

Soldotna Man Convicted on Seven Tax Crimes

Soldotna Man Convicted on Seven Tax Crimes

It was announced by the Justice Department that 60-year-old James R. Back was convicted in U.S. District Court in Anchorage on seven federal tax crimes on Thursday. Back, an Alyeska Pipeline technician was found guilty by a eight-woman/four-man jury after a one hour deliberation that concluded a three-day trial. He  had gone to trial on […]

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