Tuesday Kenai Collision Takes the Life of One

Tuesday Kenai Collision Takes the Life of One

Kenai police are continuing the investigation into a two-car collision on the Bridge Access Road on Tuesday night that took the life of 31-year-old Ruth Holliday, but say there are no immediate plans to bring any charges in the case. Just before 9:30 pm on Tuesday night, Holliday was traveling southbound on the road when […]

Kenai DUI Jailed after Brief Foot Chase

Kenai DUI Jailed after Brief Foot Chase

Early on Saturday morning, troopers would take part in a foot chase and arrest a Kenai man on charges of DUI and Disorderly Conduct, the trooper dispatch reported. While patrolling on Alpine Road in Kenai at approximately 1:19 am on Saturday, troopers spotted a suspicious vehicle on the road. As troopers observed, the vehicle would, […]

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