Kalla’alek; Samanaq – Shaman Kalla’alek alingnartuq. – The shaman is scary. Alutiiq shamans healed the sick, foretold the future, controlled the weather, and recounted events in far-off places. They acted as intermediaries between the human and spirit worlds, fulfilling the dangerous task of communicating with animals, ancestors, and supernatural beings. Shamans could turn themselves into […]
Pukilaaq; Kapilaq; Tep’aq – Driftwood Pukilaanek iwa’at’skut. – Let’s look for driftwood. Spruce trees are a recent addition to the Kodiak environment. Pollen and tree-ring studies indicate that the spruce forests of Shuyak, Afognak, and northern Kodiak are 500 to 900 years old. For ancient Alutiiq communities, driftwood was the primary source of lumber for […]
Cungaq; Cungasqaq – Blue Qapilaat cungartut. – The mussels are blue. In the Alutiiq language, the colors green and blue are not differentiated. A single term describes both colors, reflecting the fact that Alutiiqs traditionally interpreted blue as a shade of green. Despite the use of a single color term, recent research suggests that Alutiiq […]
A Kodiak man didn’t go willingly during an arrest after a disturbance call at that island city on Saturday night. Troopers responded to a call of a disturbance at a residence near Kodiak on Saturday night at 10:53 pm. When troopers arrived at the residence and performed their initial investigation, they found that the person […]