(Kodiak, AK) – Alaska Superior Court Judge Stephen Wallace sentenced 60-year-old Evan P. Nicolai to five years in prison for sexual abuse of a minor in the second degree. Nicolai will be on probation for 16 years and will be required to register as a sex offender for an additional 15 years after probation ends. Nicolai […]
Eggs-Manit Manigsurciqukut. – We’re going to look for eggs. Bird eggs are a favorite spring food in Alutiiq communities. Each year many thousands of seabirds nest along the rocky shores of the Gulf of Alaska coast. Collectors begin gathering eggs in May, particularly gull eggs. To avoid eggs with developing chicks, it is important to […]
Gun-Nutek Taatillka nutengq’rtaallia. – My late father always had a gun. The Alutiiq word for gun, nutek, comes from the verb nutegluku, “to shoot it.” The first firearms Alutiiq people encountered were flintlock muskets imported by Russian traders. Stephen Glotov, who wintered in Alitak Bay in 1763, used musket fire to scare Alutiiq warriors attacking his ship. […]
Salvage-Pukuk Allrani suu’ut caqainek pukugtaartut. – Sometimes people salvage some stuff. Pukuk is an Alutiiq word that has made its way into English conversation in the Kodiak area, like the Yiddish word schlep or the French word café. There is no exact English translation. Generally speaking, this Alutiiq verb means to salvage, although its more nuanced […]