QUHMAQ – BRACKET FUNGUS QUHMAT NAUTARTUT NAPANI. – BRACKET FUNGI GROW ON TREES. Fungi are among the most common organisms on Earth and they are found everywhere—in the ground, in the air, in water, and even inside people and animals. The fungus kingdom includes well-known organisms like mushrooms, molds, and yeasts, and less familiar organisms likes […]
MIILIWIK – MORTAR IQMILITAALLRIIT MIILIWIGMEK ATURLUTENG CUUMI. – THEY USED TO MAKE SNUFF IN A MORTAR. A mortar is a cup or bowl designed for grinding or crushing. There are two Alutiiq words for mortar. Milliwik comes from the root word miili- meaning grind, and ciiwik from the root word cii-for smashing. Both words can […]
LLAANIQ – WEST, WEST WIND MACAQ LLAANIRMEN KALUTAARTUQ. – THE SUN ALWAYS SETS IN THE WEST. Among the world’s cultures the cardinal directions—north, east, south and west—are tied to the location of the rising and setting sun. For example, the English word west comes from an ancient Germanic word meaning down—referring to the direction where […]
(Kodiak, AK) – On October 2, 2021, Evan P. Nicolai, a monk associated with the Russian Orthodox Church, turned himself into the Kodiak Police Department to report that he had sexually abused an 8-year-old child. Mr. Nicolai arrived accompanied by the abused child’s parent and a Priest of the Kodiak Russian Orthodox Church. As a monk, […]