ILUWAQ – COUSIN AMLESQANEK ILUWANGQ’RTUA. – I HAVE MANY COUSINS. The term cousin can be applied to a confusing array of relatives. In American society, a cousin is any child of an aunt or an uncle. However, cultures around the world differentiate between types of cousins, especially parallel and cross cousins. Parallel cousins are the […]
KAKIWIK – SEWING BAG MINGQUN KAKIWIGMI ET’UQ. – THE NEEDLE IS IN THE SEWING BAG. Alutiiq women are known for their sewing skill. In ancient times, they used delicate ivory and bird bone needles, bird bone awls, and wooden spools of animal sinew to stitch fine clothing. Their tools were stored in sewing bags with […]
KODIAK, Alaska — The crew of Coast Guard Cutter Alex Haley returned to homeport in Kodiak, Alaska, Thursday, following an 85-day deployment throughout the Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea. The crew patrolled more than 11,000 miles for approximately three months and safeguarded a $5.9 billion fishing industry, and enabled search and rescue coverage […]
IRALUQ – MOON UNUGPAK IRALUQ TATARTUQ. – TONIGHT THE MOON IS FULL. In classical Alutiiq cosmology, there are five sky worlds, layered one on top of the other. The fifth sky world, farthest from earth, is the most pure. This is the home of Llam Sua, the Alutiiq supreme being. The first sky world, […]