A new Simon Fraser University-led study looking at the effects that glacier retreat will have on western North American Pacific salmon predicts that while some salmon populations may struggle, others may benefit. The research, published today in the journal BioScience, examined the multiple ways in which salmon might be affected by climate-change driven glacier retreat […]
Adult sockeye salmon returning to spawn in the lakes of Bristol Bay, Alaska.Jason Ching/University of Washington An ample buffet of freshwater food, brought on by climate change, is altering the life history of one of the world’s most important salmon species. Sockeye salmon in Alaska’s Bristol Bay region are skipping an entire year […]
Anchorage, AK –Pilots landing CAP floatplanes or their personal aircraft on water ways are vigilant to check the surface for boats, logs, sandbars, and other impediments to safety. Now, Southcentral Alaskan lakes have a new hazard to avoid: ELODEA. Pilots are encouraged to be attentive to Emergency Order 2-NP-2-16-19 (https://www.adfg.alaska.gov/Static-sf/EONR/PDFs/2019/R2/EO%202-NP-2-16-19%20Alexander_final.pdf) regarding the water bodies […]
Northeast Alaska’s Yukon Flats region, seen with fall colors.David Butman/University of Washington The Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet. One consequence of that trend is the thawing of permafrost, a layer of earth that has remained frozen for thousands of years in some areas. This frozen soil and vegetation […]