U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, criticized the Obama administration’s lack of consultation with Alaska in developing its draft 2017-2022 outer continental shelf (OCS) oil and natural gas leasing program (DPP) for Alaska in comments to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM). “The fact that the president’s moratorium withdrawing some 9.8 million acres of waters […]
Even while opening up areas of the Atlantic in areas that included off-shore Virginia, North and South Carolina and Georgia, to off-shore drilling for oil, President Obama revealed his plan to to propose 9.8 million acres off-limits to to consideration for off-shore development in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas. His announcement drew quick reaction and […]
On Tuesday, in a video posted online, President Obama announced his plan to designate Bristol Bay as off-limits to oil and gas leasing. With this decision, Obama has safeguarded the rich fishing waters in the south Bering Sea that provides the country with 40% of the wild-caught seafood and provides a $2 billion a year […]