Juneau – This week Representative Zach Fansler (D-Bethel) introduced legislation for Alaska to join a growing number of states in an interstate compact to ensure the winner of the national popular vote wins Presidential elections. “My intent in introducing the National Popular Vote Bill is to open a conversation about the idea that every vote […]
JUNEAU – Tuesday, the Senate State Affairs Committee passed SJR1 to the Judiciary Committee, its next committee of referral. SJR1 would allow Alaskans a vote to safeguard the Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD) in the state’s constitution. The principal or “corpus” of the fund is already constitutionally protected and cannot be spent. However, the earnings of […]
Juneau – Wednesday, the Alaska State Senate joined the Alaska House of Representatives in approving House Joint Resolution 5, urging the United States Congress to pass legislation to open the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) to oil and gas development. The resolution, sponsored by Representative Dean Westlake (D-Kotzebue), underwent minor […]
Juneau – Wednesday, the Alaska House of Representatives approved a resolution urging Congress to pass legislation to open the 1002 study area of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) for oil and gas exploration and development. House Joint Resolution 5, sponsored by Representative Dean Westlake (D-Kotzebue), passed the Alaska House of Representatives by a vote […]