Juneau – Tuesday night, over 100 Alaskans provided public testimony to the Senate Labor and Commerce Committee on the proposed Education Funding Act, one of the four pillars of the comprehensive fiscal plan put forward by the Alaska House Majority Coalition. A significant majority of those who testified spoke in favor of House Bill 115 and […]
JUNEAU – Governor Bill Walker thanked the Alaska Legislature for taking a crucial step to build a safer Alaska by passing Senate Bill 91, which extends the State’s Chief Medical Officer’s authority to distribute the life-saving drug naloxone statewide. Governor Walker signed the bill this afternoon from his office in Juneau. “This is the first […]
Juneau – House Bill 78, which would establish the second Monday in October as “Indigenous Peoples Day,” was approved Friday by the Alaska House of Representatives. The legislation was sponsored by freshman lawmaker Rep. Dean Westlake (D-Kotzebue). “The bipartisan support for creating Indigenous Peoples Day in Alaska shows the commitment of the House of Representatives […]
Juneau – Earlier Wednesday, Rep. Dean Westlake (D-Kotzebue) introduced a bill to establish the second Monday in October as an annual holiday in Alaska called “Indigenous Peoples Day.” “I’d like to bring Alaska to the forefront in showing support for Native peoples and cultures. We have lagged behind our neighbors in Canada in celebrating […]