Juneau – Earlier Wednesday, Rep. Dean Westlake (D-Kotzebue) introduced a bill to establish the second Monday in October as an annual holiday in Alaska called “Indigenous Peoples Day.” “I’d like to bring Alaska to the forefront in showing support for Native peoples and cultures. We have lagged behind our neighbors in Canada in celebrating […]
JUNEAU – Governor Bill Walker delivered his third State of the State address Wednesday evening, urging members of the 30th Alaska State Legislature to pass a plan this session to fix Alaska’s fiscal crisis. “State revenues are down more than 80 percent from four years ago. While we have cut the budget 44 percent, we still […]
Anchorage – When the 30th Alaska Legislature convenes next month, a new budget subcommittee process will be implemented by the House Finance Committee. Previously, unique budget subcommittees were established to review the budget of each state agency. In an effort to more efficiently use the time and expertise of lawmakers, the new House Majority Coalition […]
ANCHORAGE—Governor Bill Walker’s fiscal year 2018 (July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018) budget reduces state spending while supporting vital services and protecting the permanent fund dividend. The proposed $4.2 billion unrestricted general fund (UGF) operating budget is 23 percent lower than when Governor Walker took office two years ago. To lead by example, Governor […]