Ten Cases of Trichinellosis from Walrus Meat Reported in Norton Sound since August 2016

Ten Cases of Trichinellosis from Walrus Meat Reported in Norton Sound since August 2016

According to a release from the Center for Disease Control, Norton Sound was again struck by suspected Walrus-related Trichinellosis from eating under-cooked Walrus meat, bringing the outbreak to a total of ten since August of 2016.  The incidences this year and in 2016, mark the first time in 23 years that the parasite, from Walrus, […]

Troopers Seek Info in Illegal Caribou Killing Investigation in GMU 23

Troopers Seek Info in Illegal Caribou Killing Investigation in GMU 23

The trooper dispatch revealed that Alaska Wildlife Troopers are currently investigating the “unlawful taking and wanton waste of multiple cow caribou near the Kauk River in GMU 23.” The GMU 23 management area consists of the Kotzebue Sound, Chukchi Sea, and Arctic Ocean drainages from and including the Goodhope River drainage to Cape Lisburne. As troopers […]