WASHINGTON — The FBI said Wednesday that it had “grave concerns” about the accuracy of a classified memo crafted by Republican lawmakers that allegedly shows bias at the Justice Department against U.S. President Donald Trump. A White House official said late Wednesday that the memo was likely to be released Thursday, Reuters reported. However later Wednesday […]
A draft memo written by John Kelly, the Secretary of Homeland Security and obtained by the Associated Press outlines a Trump proposal to mobilize up to 100,000 National Guardsmen to participate in the round-up of unauthorized aliens within the U.S. borders, it is being reported on Friday. It has been reported by several news outlets […]
STATE DEPARTMENT — U.S. State Department personnel who have a problem with President Donald Trump’s immigration order “should either get with the program or they can go,” White House spokesman Sean Spicer told reporters Monday. “This is about the safety of America.” Spicer acknowledged that the dissent memo circulating among foreign service officers and other State […]
ANCHORAGE – Today, the Alaska Independent Democratic Coalition released a memo from the Alaska Department of Revenue showing the Republican-proposed budget spends $600 million more on oil tax credits than provided for under Alaska’s statutory cap on credit payments. The memo states in part that “as part of ACES, the Legislature added language to indicate […]