Akulluku – To Mix; To Stir Up Suupaq Akusgu – Stir the soup. The Alutiiq verb allukulu means to mix together or to stir up. This word is often used in conversations about cooking, and its root, –aku, appears in the word akutaq. Akutaq is a popular Native dish made from Alaska to northern Canada […]
Cirunertulik – Elk Cirunertulit piturnirtaartut. – Elk always taste good. Elk (Cervus canadensis roosevelti) are one of four ungulate species introduced to the Kodiak Archipelago in the twentieth century. In 1929, eight Roosevelt elk were released on Afognak Island: five females and three males captured in the Olympic Peninsula of Washington state in 1928. The […]
PatRiitaq – Picture Caqiq una patRiitami? – What is this in the picture? Art is often a means of storing information, particularly among people without a written language. In addition to expressing cultural values, songs, dances, carvings, paintings, and even clothing can record family stories, historical events, and legends. Pictures are particularly important in preserving […]
Alimaq – Dog Salmon Alimat kuigmen asgurtaartut. – Dog salmon always go up the stream. Chum salmon, also known as dog salmon (Oncorhynchus keta), are the most widely available species of Pacific salmon. These large fish live in marine waters from southern California to the Arctic Ocean and the Sea of Japan. Chum can reach […]