KaanaRiim laaf’kaa’a – Cannery Store KaanaRiim laugkaa’a patumataartuq uksumi. – The cannery store is always closed in the winter time. Alutiiq families living in rural communities supplement their catches of fish and game with groceries purchased from privately run community stores or shipped by air from big chain supermarkets in Kodiak. In the past, however, […]
This week marks the 20th anniversary of the Alutiiq Word of the Week, the Museum’s lessons on all things Alutiiq. From aakanaq (old fish) to yataaq (poison), the word of the week pairs an Alutiiq word and sentence with a short lesson on Alutiiq traditions. Since its debut on July 6, 1998, the museum has […]
Sukunuuk – Daddy Long Legs Sukunuut guangkuta mik’tangraata aliktaapet! – We are always scared of daddy longlegs, even when they’re small! Daddy longlegs is a common term used to refer to a variety of spider-like creatures: bugs with exceptionally long, thin legs. Among this group are harvestmen, eight-legged arachnids with a two-sectioned body and just […]
Winarpak – Walrus Wiinarpat guut’gpagtuut. – Walrus have big teeth. Winarpk, the Alutiiq word for the Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) translates as ‘big sea lion.’ This term that reflects the rarity of walrus in the Alutiiq homeland. Walruses are coastal resident of western Alaska, found along the shores of the Bering and Chukchi seas. […]