LLANGARLLUNI – TO GAIN AWARENESS CARLIAQA LLANGLLARNGAUQ. – MY CHILD IS AWARE. Why do toddlers like to say, “No!”? The answer lies in a baby’s growing brain. In the transitions from infant to toddler, children develop their sense of self-awareness, both physical and emotional. By about 18 months, children recognize themselves as unique individuals. At […]
In the Alutiiq language, pililuki means “make them.” This energetic word is the title of the Alutiiq Museum’s latest exhibit, an interactive experience that invites visitors to explore, create, and share artwork in the museum’s gallery. Pililuki visitors will learn about Alutiiq graphic arts, make their own works, and add their creations to the exhibit […]
Spam-eq – Spam Alutiit Spam-eq pingaktaarat. – Alutiiq people (always) like Spam. The Hormel Foods Corporation introduced Spam to American consumers in 1937. Manufactured in Austin, Minnesota, this now famous lunchmeat came packaged in twelve-ounce cans. Hormel reports that more than seven billion cans of Spam have been sold in the past sixty-five years! Alaskans […]
Ulutegwik – Television Ulutegwik ikirsgu. – Turn the television on. Television began reaching rural Alaska communities in the1970s, as communication systems evolved following World War II. Alutiiq villages began to receive radio signals in the 1960sand public television a decade later. Satellite television followed in the 1990s, and now many rural communities have Internet access. […]