ANCIQ – TROUT ANCINEK PISURTAARTUKUK. – WE TWO ALWAYS FISH FOR TROUT. Kodiak streams support two races of trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss), resident rainbows and anadromous steelhead. Rainbow trout live in freshwater throughout the year. In contrast, steelhead trout spend a large portion of their lives in marine waters. They enter local rivers between August […]
IGYA’AQ – THROAT, LAKE OUTLET IQALLUT IGYA’ARMI ET’UT. – THE FISH ARE AT THE OUTLET. In the Alutiiq world, a common way of naming places is by using terms that describe how they look. Some names refer to geographic feature. In Alutiiq, Seven Mile Beach is known as Qut’sinaq, or ‘large beach’. Other names […]
ARUNAT, AUNAT, ATKUT – CLOTHING ARUNANEK PILIYUQ. – SHE IS MAKING CLOTHES. Sewing in classical Alutiiq society was often a social activity. Women enjoyed each other’s company as they produced clothing and covers for skin boats. Girls began participating at the age of six, making thread and braiding line. Some communities recognized a young […]
PELLUQUQ – BOLA SAQULLKANANEK PISURYARTUKUT PELLUQUMEK ATURLUTA. – WE ARE HUNTING BIRDS WITH SLINGSHOTS. The word bola comes from Spanish and means ball. People around the word use this term to describe a hunting tool tossed in the air, across the water, or on land to immobilize animals. A bola typically has several narrow lengths […]