WASHINGTON—In a case touching on one of the most prominent issues on the minds of Americans, the U.S. Supreme Court has refused to loosen federal restrictions that prevent people with domestic assault convictions from owning guns. The 6-2 ruling Monday was a victory for gun control advocates who have increased their efforts following this month’s […]
As of Friday morning, George Zimmerman, the killer of Florida teen, Trayvon Martin, continues in his attempts to auction off the weapon used in the killing. The automatic pistol, a Kel-Tec PF-9 9mm, is currently listed on United Gun Group, has garnered a bids as high as $65 million from the spurious identity, “Racist McShootFace.” That account has since […]
WHITE HOUSE—Despite calls from victims’ families, the White House says President Barack Obama likely would not sign legislation that could allow countries like Saudi Arabia to be sued for any role officials may have played in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on U.S. soil. “The whole notion of sovereign immunity is at stake. And […]
WASHINGTON—The U.S. Supreme Court considers the fate of as many as 4 million undocumented immigrants Monday, as justices hear opening arguments in a landmark case debating the legality of President Barack Obama’s executive actions on immigration. The justices’ decision will have far-reaching implications on executive actions by future presidential administrations and comes at a time […]